Saturday, October 25, 2008
![]() watched it yesterday and i tell you it's worth watching 10 more times over (: the songs are like all stuck in my head! it's NICE NICE NICE. oh btw, you can vote for the name of your Circle line stations here: tsk, please vote Hillview as Dairy Farm yo (:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
PW drives us crazy, statement fully substantiated by real life images captured during a PW meeting. yes, we were supposed to be discussing OP, but we were only effectively productive for like...5 minutes? now you know the reason why: ![]() unglam us! ![]() just look at the 2 VS guys acting cute ![]() we're ready for halloween! celebrated bird's birthday before the unproductive PW meeting above.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRD! ![]() ![]() ![]() cheers to cool effects found on Sony vaios and Apple macbooks! obviously the cooler effects with TTs were taken with an Apple macbook (: okay, i officially have no inspiration or urge to blog. just here to post photos. so that's it, time for OP! yucks :p
Thursday, October 16, 2008
finally some photos taken amidst the intensive PW-ing 2 days ago! in some classroom which we spent like half the day in. ????????????????????????????? ![]() ![]() ![]() yes, and the next day, WE'VE FINALLY HANDED IN OUR WR! ![]() ![]() sorry abit unglam, cos that's the only photo i was looking at my laptop's camera /: and one very disturbing photo taken today! yucks yucks yucks! tsk tsk hans! :p alright, the trauma of chionging WR and those sleepless nights are finally over. in order to prevent this for repeating itself for OP, we've started today! yay! introductory video filming was really funny with loads of NGs! oh well, all the best to everyone for PW! (:
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Amelia finally handed in her WR at 2:34pm today (: [pictures to be uploaded at home]
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Batch outing! (: it was really fun and i didnt get THAT burnt! we were terribly wet! haha but i think gabriel was the wettest cos daniel and i decided to gang up against him vivo city upstairs! weijian's being spastic as usual there was supposed to be one more photo, but gabriel said it was private&confidential and only for private-viewing! haha! so yes, shh! okay i'm like really high cos i really enjoyed myself, but i'm tired now, it's 12:22am now so i shall go sleep. be fresh for WR tmr! okay, shall elaborate more in the near future (:
Thursday, October 09, 2008
It’s the last 10 mins of my birthday and I must say that I’ve enjoyed my birthday alot. And I mean, ALOT. Thank you all those who have wished me Happy birthday via sms/msn/tagboard/in person and gave me presents! It really made my day! (: the entire afternoon was great! went out with yiyong for lunch at Spagheddies! thank you dear (: and then joined huiling, meiting and cindy at vivo for dinner! my birthday cake! macaroons! (?) thank you all for the many presents! though it was tough carrying them home, they really made me happy (: i'm indeed thankful for all the people in my life, thank you for making my birthday special! Yiyong, huiling, cindy, meiting, rachelkoh, liwen, gabriel, elizabeth, sushuen, melanie, julynn, anne, jiayun, jianee, cheryl, jing jing, melphin, xiaojia, jessie, alyssa, daniel, hongchew, alicia, rachel koh shi yi, suchin, yufang, ms lum, christie, renita, alex, zhiting, and many many more that i'm so sorry i'm too tired to recall. Thank you all sooooooooooooooo much (: all right now, the day's ending, WR WR WR! Happy be-early birthday Hans! (:
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELANIE! (: okay, this is going to be a really short post, cos i'm going to spend the last 4 hours of my 16 year old life chionging PW. yay! haha one resolution for turning 17: to be more matured! and less kid-ish and retarded! and yes, i shall go do PW now before bird starts to scold me, again! tata!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
i've been rather confused recently, not knowing what i want. hmm..i should really learn to make my own decisions. ahh nevermind. anyway, we're getting back our papers tomorrow! wow i seem so excited -.- haha dont know la, get back first then see? hai, and PW PW PW PW PW ): we've yet to start on our WR and it's getting a tad bit worrying. okay, very worrying. really many thanks to all who encouraged me to chiong to the end for PW. hopefully, it'll really work out in the end. this week is going to be an interesting and exciting and enjoyable week, hopefully (: oh, and happy birthday eng hwee! [: |