Saturday, August 30, 2008
emotional rollercoaster. right word to describe the past week? maybe yes, and maybe not. anyway, term 3's over! which means it's time to study for promos ): have been enjoying myself for the past 2 days, thursday being last day of term 3 and friday being teacher's day celebration! really miss all the wonderful teachers in st margs. (they said they missed us too..AWW) and being back with the 6 of us (liwen's in aust though!), really felt so relaxed and comfortable. okay those may not be the right words, but ya, you get what i mean. hmm, i guess i'm at a lost for words to say right now, just that life's really fragile. treasure everyone around you, dont take them for granted. and show them that you love them (: yes, and say "i love you" once in a while. it's 3 simple words that can really make a difference. before i'm off to study alkenes, here are some extremely random photos!  bored....and hungry during chemistry :p  didnt know there was a company named after me! (credits to anne and cheryl for this photo) yes, God bless everyone and all the best for promos (:
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
i found my spiderman thumbdrive ((:
i lost my spiderman thumbdrive )):
Sunday, August 24, 2008
it's 12:54 am now and i'm still awake. quite surprising cos at 7pm today i was like "i'm tired and i'm not going to do any work and sleep at 9" but i remembered my promise and had to do sth abt it, so i did math tut (didnt finish though cos i dont know how to do!!), econs tut and physics eass. physics eass was yucky, but i'm too lazy to do again ): i've not done EoM though! after today, i finally realised how much i've been procrastinating and so i'm now resolved to do my work from now on (: today's mr tan's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR TAN!hai, i guess this would be one of the last birthdays we'll have him since.....i'm graduating?hmm.. i guess he's really someone who changed my life. cos without him, i wouldnt be here in VJC. which brings me to the same question on BIRD's blog. "why am i here in VJ?" come someone tell me why (: okay and this post shall end abruptly here cos SOMEone's bugging nagging telling me to go sleep. it's 1:09am now. goodnight.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
20th Aug 2008went to cafe cartel for lunch since chem and econs test was over and we had no cca! was supposed to be a study session, but as the photos show, it wasnt THAT productive ): photos credit to anne! (:  my great camwhoring skills, just that i cut myself out of the pic ):  the camera self-timed itself to take it (:  was supposed to pose retardly, just that jiayun is............. hmm...i'm dont know.  small kid! best couple competition! haha jianee and cheryl won like DUH. jiayun! my dearest fiancee, we must improve yea?  SOMEone dont jealous ah! (: i said i would start studying when it's 30 days to promos...  i'm a girl of my word k! (: my only meal for the whole of yesterday and today before eating at 1245 pm?  maybe that's why i felt like puking the entire day. according to bird and weihao it's cos of the stomach acid, since there's not much food to vomit out in the first place? took some medicine alr, hopefully the urge to puke would go away soon ): have not eaten since 1245, so that's like 7 hours. shall do so soon! btw, jiayun and i have came to realise sth. she fell down 1st half of the year, i fell down 2nd half. she fell sick 1st half of the week, i fell sick 2nd half. WHICH MEANS, jiayun, you better take care of yourself cos i'm getting deeply influenced by you! haha :p okay and now, i shall finish watching the rather retarded nice new 7pm show and go figure out integration 9.1! not noob k, just havent been listening ): all right then, till next time! Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, loving someone deeply gives you courage
Saturday, August 16, 2008
i'm currently at Hans' house now doing PW! they think i'm typing our idea out in front of them, but apparently i'm not. SHH, dont tell them (: bird: "they had a little faith, all they did... all they did... all they did.. a little faith goes a long way.. a long way.. a little faith goes a long way... AHHHH! why dont we have the AH HA factor? we had the AH HA factor just now! what have i been saying? i cannot repeat the same thing twice, ah what did i say? i cannot repeat the same thing twice! oh my gosh, oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH!" haha she's been repeating the same thing over and over again but she claims that she cant repeat the same thing twice? she's terribly agitated now! "No follow, No Big...No follow, No Big!!!!!" yes bird, we get what you mean. okay, this is getting hilarious. i shall not be such a naughty girl now and help them. but before that,  we're so into PW man! (: anyway, SOMEone left for balai today ): but it's okay, i hope he has lots of fun and enjoys himself! okay, this shall be continued later, cos we've stumbled upon sth...ah ha...... monday's coming, and so is tuesday (:
Thursday, August 14, 2008
hah, great sense of accomplishment after completing chemistry alkanes tutorial for once in my entire 8 months here (: shall keep this up from now on. yay! and i'm officially in love with the song "i'm yours" by Jason Mraz now. it's currently playing on my laptop! so nice can? (: i cant stand it. i cant stand the fact that we've 2 tests next week! haha although it seems nothing as compared to promos, but 2 big subjects on 2 consecutive days is just such a turn off for the week ): anyway, just a short post here, shall start working on PW- WR and edit econs? ya right! haha anyway like jiayun would say: "Amelia, MUG MUG MUG!" i think bus journeys are great times to reflect on things
Sunday, August 10, 2008
photos from connect sg!  guangyang pri  holding hands along the road  either they didnt want to hold each other's hand or they couldnt reach -.-  block 6-2 (: so anyway, referring to the previous post, i didnt stay at home ytd! went out for lunch with my mum before meeting yi yong (: my day seriously turned 180 degrees yesterday, from bad to good. with having diarrhoea from mild food poisoning and.......... to no more diarrhoea and.............. but i'm really feeling better right now. thank you dear! guess i've to really learn to entrust everything to the Lord and have faith in Him ya? (: going all the way to sengkang (!) tmr for econs project. need to be there at 8:50am, how early pls! but that's good la, cos then i'll have my afternoon free. yay! watching ndp encore now cos i fell asleep (again!) last night anyway, want to watch melphin's item too! wonder why cheerleading not there, jiayun jianee, where are you?!?! hai, i think i'm falling sick. wearing a pullover with no fan and no aircon and the sun hot outside -.- hope i dont though! shall go watch youtube for PW while waiting cos now, the ppl are just marching -.- THE END.
Friday, August 08, 2008
so i didnt make it to post on 080808 cos i fell asleep ): oh well, it's 8:00am now on 9th august, so i've changed the date. haha. i shall upload connect sg photos tonight, so this will be a short one. Happy national day yo- i hope i wont be stuck at home in the afternoon today!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
YAY i'm posting again (: shall post a song i was listening to on the bus! I woke up it was 7 I waited till 11 Just to figure out that no one would call I think i got a lot of friends but I don't hear from them What's another night all alone? When your spending everyday on your own And here it goes [Chorus:] I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is Having more fun than me Tonight... And maybe when the night is dead, I'll crawl into my bed Staring at these 4 walls again I'll try to think about the last time, I had a good time Everyone's got somewhere to go And they're gonna leave me here on my own and here it goes [Chorus:] What the hell is wrong with me? Don't fit in with anybody How did this happen to me? Wide awake I'm bored and I can't fall asleep And every night is the worst night ever I'm just a kid [repeat x5] I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is Nobody wants to be alone in the world. [repeat x2] Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is Having more fun than me tonight I'm all alone tonight Nobody cares tonight Cause I'm just a kid tonight I'm just a kid- Simple planhaha found it quite amusing listening to this song cos it was rather cute! hmm... and cos... anyway, just received an sms from Raymond Huang: Dear leaders & motivators, this is the defining moment, the largest project all done by young people. It couldn't have happened without you. Thank you for being part of the team. We wish you all the best tmr as you lead the 30,000 youths & uniting them as 1 people for Singapore. Let's win all the teachers over with your professionalism, enthusiasm & can-do spirit. You have done us proud.coolios. wonder how many smses he spent since the number used to send was a handphone number -.- yes, connect s'pore tomorrow! haha as what the ndp cheerleaders would say: S-IN-GAPORE! one people, one nation, one singapore! (?) okay, and now amelia wants to watch her 心花朵朵开 so that's it! (: but before i go, 2hrs 55mins of chem today was a killer ):
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
i never knew i was THIS retarded -.- as quoted from jiayun's blog: 30th july: "haha. me and amelia, being the retarded ones as usual, calculated how long of my live she wasted by drawing a 15cm line on my arm-_- cos i heard of the saying that 1 cm leads to a loss in 7 s of one's live. omg. so she wasted 35 mins of my life-_- we were acually calculating how many lines could be drawn on me to make me die on the spot if i was to live till the age of 86. retarded shit man." 4th august: "and there's this part where amelia and I, being retarded again, couldnt help but screamed when the lift door closed suddenly. she was alone inside while i was almost squashed to death by the lift door-_- malu shit." "but at least we finished the exp. and amelia, being the retarded one as usual. omg. my fire was damn small so she said. ok. we blow some oxygen to make the fire nigger. den the next moment! she blew out my candle-_- the air she's blowing out is carbon dioxide la pls! RETARDED AMELIA! haha. and she sprayed distilled water all over me." 6th august: "and amelia almost murdered me when she banged right into me when both of us reached finishing pt. according to her, she stepped on both the accelerator and brakes at the same time so she ended up banging into me, making me fly!!! -.-" haha i should really stop this, bad for my image and reputation (!!) --> i bet she'll say "like i have one like that" all right, i'm here blogging while on the phone with hans and bird discussing PW. shh, dont tell them, they'll scold me ): btw, today's supposed to be saturday! cos it was friday in VJC yesterday (we followed fri's timetable) okay that's just randomness. today's bus ride home on 67 was....... was feeling kinda, i dont know, confused? hai, nevermind. maybe i was too tired. attempted to do assignment for 8.2 and realised i really dont know what's going on! this shall not continue, must be hardworking from now on. so yes, shall pay full attention to what hans and bird are rambling into my headphones now :p haha! goodnight!
Monday, August 04, 2008
it's 2:32am now and i've changed my blogskin haha black & gold. it should be black & green! oh well, at least the tagboard is (: shall try to get some sleep now. goodnight and God bless!
it's 2:02 am on 4th august and i cant sleep! ))))))))))))))))))))))))):
Saturday, August 02, 2008
amelia fell down! ): yup, was sleeping on the sofa when the doorbell rang. so i got up and somehow when i was on the stairs my legs "lost energy" suddenly and i fell. hit myself against the sharp edge of the chair and ended up with a longer than 15cm wound on my back, and some minor wounds on my ankle and elbow! hit my chin too, but no abrasions thank goodness. somehow, it felt kinda familiar going to the doctor and hearing what he has to say cos it's exactly the same as what the doctor said to jiayun when she fell the other time too! -.- except the fees were terribly expensive! $114.50! maybe it's cos of the injection which is giving me a slight fever now ): all right, i shall stop complaining. still have GP essay which i promised mr choy i'd hand in on mon! but i'll do it tmr. shall go to sleep now at 9pm without having dinner. (that is if i can lie down properly) that's all for now! i'm sorry if i've ever doubted you