Friday, May 30, 2008
post about the concert has already been up, so here are the photos!
21st May- Majestia XXIII:
sign says: Trumpets (ladies)

with our performers' tags

trumpet ladies with band pres Benedict

Eric the saxophone soloist


1st attempt with enghwee: crashed by mel

7th attempt
(2nd-6th attempts were all crashed by others -.-)

8th time! with enghwee trying to look...fierce (?!)

9th: yes loanshark head!



yiyong (:

SMSB cornet section 2007-2010

classmates cheryl and jing X2

loanshark (Finance) department (:
there are like loads more, but many were shaky cos most of them were taken in a rush so yea, they're not up here.
anyway, came back from J1s-cum-JTS chalet yesterday at 10 and slept all the way till 430
had dinner and slept all the way again till today.
yes it was really tiring cos we all slept really late on both days, like past 3am (though i was one of those who slept the most..Zzz)
it was really fun though there weren't much activities planned.
for example, our failed attempt to go into Old Changi Hospital on the 1st night.
haha it's quite funny now that you come to think abt- all those mysterious phone calls and smses everyone got just before going in.
hmm..oh well the guys went in on the 2nd day in the afternoon in the end.
yup, kinda enjoyed myself, if only SOMEone was there!
but it's all right, i hope you're enjoying yourself at your church camp in m'sia now (:
yea so now to put off studying for awhile more, i've decided to blog and change my blogskin.
i know the words on my blogskin is so not me (and i've no idea what link it has), but i'm taking it cos it's GREEN!
haha maybe i'll change it again if i have time /:
yes. oh and my internet connection on my laptop is still not set up yet )):
so annoying, but at least i've still internet on my com.
okay, this is totally a waste of my time cos i seriously need to start studying.
yes, amelia, you can do it!
now get off your com and goGoGO!
so THE END. byebye.
i really miss you