Friday, April 04, 2008
im back from New York and im finally blogging!
yes, and i am New York-sick. you know ppl go for camp and get camp-sick cos they miss it so much? i am NY-sick ):
anyway, Jetlaggedness (?) was quite terrible the first few days. Had terrible difficulty waking up every morning and would most prolly be late on certain days if not for someone. thanks ah! (:
yeah and breakfast seemed too little cos it was supposed to be dinner in NY?
furthermore, since 12noon here was like 12 midnight in NY, we were all like so sleepy by lunch time!
so TGIF. the week has seriously been chionging to catch up on lectures and tutorials, copying notes as well as get as much sleep as possible. and im glad to finally be able to rest for tonight (:
New York Band and Orchestra Festival 2008it was an amazing trip not only for me, but im sure for the entire band as well.
i forsee that the post would be extremely long if i actually recounted the whole trip. and furthermore, putting them down in words would not do justice to the whole experience as it was simply undescribable.
so, i shall let the pictures to do the talking.(:
but firstly, the main highlight of the trip:
VJCSB performed in Carnegie Hall and we got a GOLD ((:yes, and i believe that all these would not have happened if we did not put our trust in Him. im certain that the prayer sessions we had definitely calmed each and everyone of us down as we are reminded that He would always be there for us. like you can just feel His presence with us as the band played. therefore, Thank God for bringing us safely there and back. Thank You for being there with us. and for getting the Gold. Thank You for this entire New York trip (:
and now, PHOTOS! ((:

on the bus to changi airport T3, Row 10

we love airplane ice cream!

Sheraton New Jersey

see those colourful things behind? they are columns and columns of M&Ms chocolate! (:

TT <3 @Central Park

New York City in the evening

Alyssa- bus 48 mate!

Adjoining roomates!

Jialing- pokie!

MTG- Mr Tan Gang (:

it was super cold on the top deck (of the dinner cruise)!

section before Adjudication (:

Yusheng- my distant distant cousin!

Christopher- my angel!

Hidhir- our HEATPACK! (:


Eng Hwee- my mortal!

Yiyong- my bus stop mate (:

Statue of Liberty

OWE $ PAY $!

Umar- the Batumi Guy.
okay i just realised my photos didnt really show much of New York?
yes, cos it was mainly cam whoring sessions all the way through (: so more photos to be up in future posts!
and those ppl who know they have their faces in my camera, quickly kope from me k!
anyway, tmr's sat. though there isnt band, i've still got to go back to school cos we have loanshark meeting! thanks ar, enghwee!
haha this weekend would most probably be used for rushing GP and PI for most ppl.
but im only left with GP cos thanks to someone who motivated me enough to finish PI by thursday night! (: (yes, and smileys like (: are NOT retarded okay!)
and then it's back to chionging tutorials and lectures again ):
cant wait for Sunday though, finally get to go for Youth service and see my cell again after not doing so for almost a month! yay! it's going to be a busy weekend ahead (:
yes, so Goodnight and God bless!