Thursday, March 13, 2008
yes, i've not blogged for 4 days, so i've decided not to continue from that post (:
Mondayi was supposed to go for sectionals in the morning, but then i had to take blood test and flu jab and collect passport first.
spent 830-1000am waiting at the doctor's just to get 2 needles poked into me /:
and 1030-12+ waiting for stupid passport! that's like more than 90 minutes?! haha thank goodness i bumped into yanzhu, phy, louise, daniel and weijian or else i'll be like bored to the max (:
went back to vj to meet the section, then to suntec for JTS then to st margs' for alumni band with mr tan at night.
that's practically one trip around singapore? haha yes.
and there was this american born japanese guest conductor who came,
quite good la (:
yeah and then study time with my section!

so hardworking right? RIGHT.
haha then went for NSSN bbq, though i belonged to the NNSSN (Non-NSSN) group which consists of only 4 ppl?
it was fun la, with enghwee teaching us some 牛奶 game which made us ultimate high (:
Wednesdaycompleted DSTA scholarship application,
collected blood test results,
combined sectionals with mr tan in the morning, and then

played Autumn Soliloquy and Merry Widow.
yes, and ppl said Alumni Band sounded good. yay! (:
after that, the camwhoring session began.

maithilli, grace, teng2

+shalini, amanda, hannah

spastic accompanist phyllis, grace


sheryl (:

yufang, shili, alicia's forehead


huiling, meiting, cindy! (((:
yes, there are still 23846319 more photos, but cos we took them in such a rush, many were super blur, so cant really see?
but POLKA!4 was great (:
enjoyed myself thoroughly on and off stage.
ON stage: got to perform with the alumni band for the first time
OFF stage: got to meet up with loads of ex classmates and bandmates, cornet section, and beloved #1! (:
really looking forward to POLKA!5
Todaysupposed to be out shopping with TTs for New York stuff, but then i was so tired from last night so decided to give it a miss.
furthermore, if you look at the past 3 days, it was liked packed from morning till night?
which means there was no time to do any work?
yes, so i shall study today! hopefully (:
okay, and before i end,

taken at Victoria Concert Hall
"When music fails to agree to the ear, to soothe the ear and the heart and the senses, then it has missed its point"-Maria Callas
Thank you God for letting Polka!4 be a success. Teach me to do your will, and let your good spirit lead me on a level path in the many days to come.
With that, God Bless.