Saturday, October 06, 2007
[edit]it used to be

but before we know it, it's already graduation day.
what must end, must end.
and we cannot hold on to it for as long as we want.
like amanda said "we have to move on, that's life. nothing is forever. you just have to treasure everything while you can and your memories once the thing is over. sure, you should be sad, but you want to be able to look back and laugh at how much fun you had and not cry every single time cause you miss it."
and yes, the day has come (and went)
5th OCTOBER 2007we started the day off we our last pure humans free period.
no more morning practices with phyllis,
no more getting high with ms tan,
no more running to physics lab after that cos we're late )):
next, it was physics.
the very LAST physics lesson.
and you know what, ms ng wrote the CHEEM-EST thing ever on the board since our 4 years in st margs:

haha ms ng! i'll miss you and every single one of your physics lessons! ((:
SS next. RAH.
i still need mr lee to teach me source based questions!
after that, RECESS. last recess.
and then lit.
MISS SHEN! you'll always be our MISShen IMPOSSIBLE! ((:
and after that was our graduation assembly.
everything was all right except for that cca commendation thing.
gave me a shock please! HAHA.
and then came the video.
oh my goodness! it was so touching please!
from the physics teachers:
Potential Excellence = Meticulous X Gratitude X Hardwork"
and from ms tan:
........and i'll never forget the laughing hyenas and the ROAR of the T REX!"
my goodness, ms tan's message was seriously the one which made me start crying please!
oh ya, and on tuesday, (2nd Oct)
ms lee also celebrated each of our birthdays:

THANK YOU ms lee!
last day in st margs.
it was seriously unforgettable.
i'll definitely miss everything and everyone there.
and to the teachers, thank you for all your..

those not edible, i'll treasure it for life (:
and by special request from melodie, here are more pictures (:
MELODIE: my dont-do-chinese-homework partner! thanks for walking down that long road with me every tuesday (: despite all those times in sec 2, i'm glad that everything has worked out great. i'll still see you in SAJC for the first 3 weeks, but no matter what, i'll still miss you loads! i love you (:

our last recess ):
HUILING: my bestest sitting partner for FOUR years. oh my like how fated are we please? thanks for being there for me whenever i needed you and brightening up my stay in st margs with your oh-so-lame jokes, your singing, your complaining, your shouting, your enlightening, your company and you. i'll definitely miss you terribly and i love you loads. (:
AMANDA FOO: thanks for listening to all my lameness and talks about ____. haha i'm sorry if i have terribly influenced you to become just as lame. but hey, you influenced me too k! HITSUGAYA? RENJI? haha i think they both rock (: i'll really miss all those times during assembly and YOU. that's for sure (:
CINDY: my chemistry tutee! nope, actually you're more to me than that! thanks for all your blur-ness and retarded-ness! so, how do pronounce "DATA" hurr? haha, i dont know for sure whether we'll end up in the same JC, but i'll miss you just the same. i hope that some time in future, we can all meet up again and just go crazy! YAY (:
LIWEN: my future colleague (?!) haha that is if we both become lawyers in the same company (: i'm still not sure if i'll become one though /: anyway, i wish you all the best for your O levels so that you can go to HCJC. i might CONSIDER going there if i get 2 points, but yeah, we'll see how it goes (:
RACHEL: relax girl! i know i didnt really know you until this year, but you have left an impact on me all the same. i'll never forget your "kiasu-ness" and i really hope that you'll be able to get into HCJC. work hard rachel! you can do it! (:
MEITING: i have no idea where you disappeared to in that photo, haha but still, i'll always remember you and the fact that you rock my world! thanks for being my good music buddy and we'll work hard to get into ACJC after first 3 weeks k! yay! (:

best sitting partners!
AMANDA: like mrs low said, which i so totally agree, you look like the innocent flower but is the serpent underneath. haha, i'm joking. i'll definitely miss your craziness over football and gerrard *AHEM AHEM, and i'll miss sitting with you (:
HANNAH: why are you so quiet??!! talk more! thanks for always being the sane person in our row even though the 3 of us have gone totally nuts! i'll see you in SAJC for the first 3 weeks, but i'll still miss you! (:
JAYNE: i dont have a photo of you with me! being my very first sitting partner in st margs, i'll definitely remember you. even though we are not very close, you have definitely impacted me in some way (: i'll never forget your humble-ness, and your lame-ness and you! you rock my socks! ((:
well, i guess that's it.
O levels start on monday.
and no matter how scared or tired we feel, we must always remember,

st margs,
till we meet again.[edit/]