Tuesday, October 31, 2006
woah finally back home from school. hmm..let's just say i enjoyed school today. kind of (: supposed to have physics today.. but it got changed to chem :/ so anyway, i got selected to join this maths competition (: ya, and the teachers talked to us after school today. woah..from 12-1 okay. didnt have lunch at all. so..................HUNGRY!!! i was so so so so hungry during band okay. AGAIN. haha then after band, talked to ms chang about the money crisis. hmm..talked about many many other stuff too (: curious what. haha according to ms chang, ms ng has TWO SIDES.. hmm..and she is very "pranky" and and..she HAS TO sleep (that's why she's not staying over) haha the last time she didnt have enough sleep she was like "sorry girls..i talk alot of rubbish today cos i didnt sleep enough" not bad what. anyway, ms chang sort of hinted us to beware of ms ng and mrs khor. but nothing to worry.. we've got the TOP SECRET PLAN ((: countdown: THREE days to chalet!!! (((((((((((((((((: JOANNE!! haha thank you loads!! i loved the present alot alot okay!! haha i wore it on our school uniform until ms chang caught me (: didnt scold la..just say very cute ((: of course what(: haha i love you many many!! i'm looking very very very very forward to tomorrow. even though there is like 3 periods of chem, there is three periods of PHYSICS!! YAY!! i'm like so looking forward to it la! (((((: oh ya, one hour of P HUM too! haha so that's it la. want to watch nickelodeon's SPOOK FEST already (: HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! btw, just stumbled upon this quiz. haha rather cool results okay.
do you not see ENGINEERING having the highest percentage (together with chem and maths)?? haha of course what.. PHYSICS! (: okay i shall shut up.
Monday, October 30, 2006
YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!! it's OVER! OVER OVER OVER OVER OVER!! haha.. no more o levels for me!! can fully concentrate on class chalet now!! chinese Os.. hmm...okay la. easier than our school's end of years ((: composition titles not really appealing though. didnt understand some. how to write? haha. limited choice. anyway, this afternoon.. talked to ms chang.. it was darn funny la. we told her about the top secret plan. and she was so so enthu about it la (: and she promised to not say anything. then we were like talking about it.. about mrs khor and ms ng. and then ms lim walked past. we were like so scared she was going to tell on us.. but she was like "dont want me to tell right? then help me carry these boxes" haha. then we also talked about the abigail prank (with ms ng) and then ms ng came and we were like SHHH!! haha she must have suspected. ms chang, you promised not to tell her ar!! or we will really stalk you this time! (haha long story..tell some other time) class chalet on friday.. and that's all i can think about now okay. the TOP SECRET PLAN tsk tsk (: cant wait. seriously cant wait (: so band tomorrow.. hello JOANNE! long time no see..four days? haha miss you many many la (: btw, our band is like having a concert on 9th dec: an evening with dr john lynch tickets: $15 place: cjc. tell me if you want ((: yup, i think that's all. and again, IT'S OVER! p.s i love headstart. they gave me one more period of PHYSICS (: [15 now] (((((((((((((((:
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
went kap to study with mel and huiling today. hmm..didnt study much though. haha so i came home and did like three more? YAY me !! ((: anyway, it's like exactly 59 more hours to chinese Os?? FIFTY NINE. i so so do not want to go to school on monday. i dont want to see melodie mark. i dont even want to go if i could see ms ng or have physics EVERYDAY (: that's how much i DONT WANT TO TAKE MY O LEVELS. CHINESE ESPECIALLY ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))): haha..just now something super funny happened please. ms chang called me. but the thing is, she didnt KNOW she called me. her phone must have accidentally keyed in my number or something. and i was like A: "ms chang? hello?? HELLO!!" MC: "why dont we watch a midnight movie?" some guy: "what do you want to watch?" A: "MS CHANG!!! HELLO??!!!" MC: "why dont we watch the liar?" A: puts down the phone. omg! it was super funny la! laughing until cannot laugh anymore. HAHAHAHA yup, so we've finally thought of a suitable *top secret plan* not bad eh? just hope it works out. currently waiting for ELEVEN O'CLOCK. SURVIVOR: COOK ISLANDS! YAY ((: anwyay, i think i better go do more chinese now )): see you people on monday ))))))))))):
Thursday, October 26, 2006
oh no oh no!! my sms this month is so so going to exceed! like first time ever! haha all because of the chalet la! HMPH! anyway, school was rather interesting today. ESPECIALLY E MATHS !! ((: haha woah abigail, so finally ms chan knows your true feelings eh? you must be really really happy (: yup, band in the afternoon. rather interesting, but i was so so hungry!! i couldnt really play cos i was so hungry! no energy! no energy=no power! then our section had to like go right in front of the band to say some rhythm. you know why? cos we didnt say it loudly enough! that was like so so embarrassing okay! haha..tomorrow. hmm..i think i'm going to study with mel and huiling for chinese. FOUR days left okay! please bless me! i'm like super duper scared! but i'm looking super super forward to the class chalet!! ms ng, ms chan, ms chang, ms lee, mrs khor and mr lee are all going! YAY! it's like going to be so so fun. secret plan hurr?? shh!! (: okay la, i shall like so settle more chalet stuff (: cant wait for tuesday! PHYSICS! (: YAY!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
haha no school yesterday. spent almost the whole day watching tv? high school musical again. YAY! ((: but i felt rather guilty last night.. so ended up doing chinese. ONE comprehension (better than nothing) so today.. good day. very good day ((: MS NG WON THE MOST INSPIRING TEACHER AWARD!! (((((((: ms lum, mrs khor and mr chan also won some nie award or something again too ((: YAY! then we had this major major spot check. SUPRISINGLY i didnt get caught. i was damn scared for my hair please!! haha lucky me (: then we had 3 periods of e lit. watched roman polanski's macbeth. super super gory. YUCKS ): then 3 periods of chinese as well.. comments. haha then 3 periods of P HUM! haha i love P HUM! P HUM= FREE TIME! so i went to the canteen to do more chinese.. hmm..interesting things happened (: but then half of phum got cut. FOR IPP. how great. it was so hot. but then ms chang asked who has asthma. i put up my hand and got to go to an air con room. haha YAY! (: i cant wait for class chalet!! ms ng, ms chang, ms lee, ms chan and mr lee are CONFIRM going! havent asked the others yet though. but it's going to be so so so fun! ((: oh no! i've got chinese tuition. AGAIN. how great ): count down to chinese Os :FIVE days ))): wish me all the best! heehee (:
Monday, October 23, 2006 we had headstart today. it was rather fun la. physics..OF COURSE (: chan wasnt here..(aww) chinese..slacking ss...not as bad as i thought. just read andrea's blog.. hmm..PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET MS NG TEACH ME NEXT YEAR!! please let mr ng continue teaching combine!! so that he could teach andrea!! that way, it's a win-win situation..right? haha..please make andrea happy!! chinese Os in SEVEN days.. not bad what.. i still havent really gone into intensive yet, but should be okay la(: i HOPE. oh shoots. having chinese tuition in fifteen minutes time. heck. like would i seriously care? *please please please please please let ms ng teach me next year!!!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
woah cant believe the last time i blogged was monday. i thought i blogged on wednesday?? haha nevermind so we had band on tuesday. JOANNE LIM!! you didnt come for band! for this whole week!! but nevermind la, you've got excuse. band was actually rather fun.. after not having band for so long, i kinda like miss band alot. earlier on, i also had intensive HMT. it was so so so not fun. i dont like chinese at all! HMPH. then on wednesday.. MORE chinese. low kk was like "i'm not that bad to fail y'all la" when he was referring to our papers. so ya..dont have to really worry about failing. after school i also had leadership training.. it was quite okay. not that boring..taught us to motivate ourselves?? thursday!! we received our papers back.. english, ss, chinese, chemistry, amaths and music. had some As.. english rather disappointing. but it was all rather okay..YAY!! after schoool.. had some composer to talk to us about some composition. hmm..shant comment about that. and then like half an hour of band ((: okay, then FRIDAY!! it was like the best day for receiving papers. we got back emaths, PHYSICS (: and lit. emaths was really good (: and i passed lit. (quite a number didnt) BUT.. i did really really well for PHYSICS!!((: did ms ng proud ((: haha i so didnt expect it. but of course what, the paper was on my birthday ((: heehee..i so totally love physics now okay(: so end of years.. haha not bad la. quite a number of As.. no need for study camp or drop any subjects.. overall: VERY HAPPY (: but now, it's chinese o levels. i so so do NOT like chinese. but for now, i shall make it my best friend until OCTOBER 30TH. after that, BYE BYE CHINESE! TILL WE MEET AGAIN NEXT YEAR (: UPDATE: omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!! i just read somewhere that ms ng is not going to be teaching us next year. i dont really know if that is a reliable source, but but but.. she must must teach me next year!! she's like the bestest teacher ever! i wonder where that source heard the news from. totally hoping that it is unreliable. please please let it be unreliable!!
Monday, October 16, 2006
i'm like aching everywhere now. haha went vivocity today.. quite okay la but made my feet hurt like terribly though. oh ya, watched talledega nights. it was rather cool.. loved it alot..super funny haha so tomorrow school opens (mel, zinnia and huiling, haha PSI isnt 151. we still have to go to school. YAY! ) yup, we're recieving our papers back. i think. and have INTENSIVE HMT. haha dont like it. oh ya, and leadership training.. cant remember when though. but one thing i'm rather looking forward to tomorrow is.. BAND!! haha i seriously miss band. it's actually rather fun ((: it's like 9:20 pm now.. dont feeling like sleeping, yet very sleepy. haha how ironic (: okay la, i shall get off the com now. (after my game is downloaded) goodnight!(:
Sunday, October 15, 2006
white watch!!
YAY!! i'm back! i so missed singapore((: the past 2 days in kl was like rather peculiar? haha..something rather weird (?) happened.. heehee you'll see on tuesday ((: so tomorrow i'll be going out.. hmm..i'm rather tired though. stupid bus journey, FIVE hours. want to make me die only.. haha i really wanna sleep now. i think i'm not making sense at all. do i say that every post?? haha i really dont think so. haiya i dont know la i just want to sleep ((: goodnight! p.s i THINK i know who anonymous is ((: oh btw.. ![]() my new watch (:
Thursday, October 12, 2006
woah woah woah. FINALLY MY EXAMS ARE OVER. LIKE FINALLY. i feel so a bird!! haha dont need to study anymore!! shh..i know i've still got intensive chinese, but seriously, i'm like NOT GOING TO STUDY for it. haha. today was.. one of the best days ever. music exam was rather anti climax- talking during the exam? not bad what. shadow fell into the toilet bowl? haha out of point too. but but but. THANK YOU HUILING, CINDY, LIWEN, JAYNE, MAITHILI AND MEITING!! I LOVE Y'ALL!! yup, let me continue. i was like on the bus on the way home with huiling and meiting, (meiting was supposed to go to huiling's house to celebrate end of exams..ya, RIGHT) then i spotted cindy, liwen, maithili and jayne at the shell bus stop. i was like rather excited so i decided to go down. (thank god i did cos or not huiling and meiting would have dragged me down) the main reason i got down cos so that i could go home with liwen. so i was like, "liwen, why arent you going home?" and i wanted to board the bus. but then, they dragged me all the way to huiling's house. haha suprise surprise. it was actually a suprise birthday party. so liwen showed me this blog it was really touching haha and they showed me a video. omg..that was like super super funny (: heehee so after dinner we watched high school musical (: and then they had a cake!! it was really really very nice. haha..i love all of you loads!! oh ya, and sorry for ALL THAT TROUBLE!! HAHA ((: so monday i'll be going to vivo city.. with mel and zinnia! haha i kinda like miss them rather alot so i kinda like cant wait to go (: haha joanne, i KINDA LIKE miss saying kinda like. so you suffer from STDs hurr? aww..haha you wont die la. not after you top your class (: band's starting soon!! YAY!! we can play together again and i bet you forgot that stupid hand trick. haha i've got loads more ((: SEE YOU ON TUESDAY!! it's like 10:54 pm now.. but i'll still not tired.. thank you everyone for all your presents and happy birthdays!! HAIYER. not really looking forward to tuesday. going to get back most of my papers. not really looking forward to ss paper as well as CHINESE. YUCKS. i've got INTENSIVE CHINESE now. HMPH! i dont like. i wanna go for salsa like everyone else!! anyway, hope i do well this time round. especially for physics?((: okay..i think i'm going to contradict myself, but.. i'm very very tired now. so i'm going to sleep. yup. so goodnight everyone!! see y'all on tuesday!! thanks again for everything!((:
Monday, October 09, 2006
so i'm blogging before my exams are over. but heck. today's my birthday ((: so i dont really care. finally, i'm FIFTEEN(: YAY! it's better than FOURTEEN cos i dislike the number four. anyway, this is going to be real short. going to start studying my maths soon ((: second last paper okay. thank god i managed to survive till this day (: all the papers have been rather okay until... TODAY. today's physics paper was seriously really hard. haha hope i do well (or ms ng would have to appeal for me) ((: and you know what? i dont think i make sense at all..haha wait, actually i do. oh whatever..i stilll love physics!! ((: yup, just want to thank all those who wished me happy birthday: first person : rachel koh shi yi..haha TWELVE am on the dot. (12:12 to be exact) thanks! ((: then..melodie, zinnia, huiling, maithili, cindy, liwen, amanda foo, amanda tan, jayne, rachel koh, andrea, baoyi? abigail? (oops..i cant remember), jayne from 3e6, alexis, meiting, yokewan, nicole tan, xunqi, jolene, cassandra, and loads more which i just totally forgot..sorry!! anyway, thanks all! ((: love y'all lots! and thanks for all those chocolates too!! and now, i think i sh0uld just go study for my emaths ((: it's quite a nice subject afterall and the teacher's rather nice ((: haha. wont be blogging till the SIXTEENTH? yup, so until then, study hard and god bless? haha i know my endings are rather lame ((: |