Friday, July 28, 2006
it's FRIDAY AGAIN!! i absolutely loveeee FRIDAYS!! cos it's the last weekday of the week! and then it's the weekends! i'm EXCEPTIONALLY happy today after around 12:05 cos PHYSICS test was finally over!! the paper was like super super super hard please i didnt know how to do half the paper? )): and miss ng was like "dont worry girls, very easy, just dont do the last question first" RIGHT. VERY EASY. the paper was really tough lor.. anyway, tomorrow is like going to be a super long day for me cos i'll be going out early in the morning followed by a birthday party at night. so tiring.. and next monday is chemistry common test. i cant stand chemistry now cos the MOLE is like sooo hard to understand! oh ya, and i still have to write my script for tomorrow. which i havent done and would do at the last minute ( as usual) so i think i like better go do now.. ya. THE END??
Friday, July 21, 2006
FINALLY. it's the end of the week. it's FRIDAY. TGIF!! ((: it's been such a tiring week with tests everyday since monday to thursday. but i guess it's for our own good. anyway, today we were released from school at 11:05 am cos it was speech day. but i had to perform and only reached home at 7:30?? anyway, speech day was rather fun..even though the thing itself was boring, the before and after was great fun ((: we saw like quite alot of seniors who did super well for their o levels, as well as our previous sl, felicia! like i said, it was rather fun (: tomorrow i have to go for band again, but i know it's all for my own good. band is fun. like really really fun and i really enjoyed myself. mr tan taught us the 4Ps Present: always be present for band practice Punctual: never be late. when you are early, you are on time. when you're on time, you are late. when you're late, you are very very late Pencil: always have a pencil on your stand so that you can take down notes. Practice until you dont get it wrong: we have to practice. not to get it correct, but to never get it wrong. i feel that all these make alot of sense. and why am i writing this on my blog? so that i wont forget to write it on my band journal which i am to lazy to do now. next week would still be a rather busy week with tests and stuff, but not as bad as this week. monday- e LIT common test wednesday- peer tutoring for PHYSICS ((: friday- physics test rest of the days: BAND ((: i actually rather enjoy my busy schedule. cos then i dont have to think of what to do when i'm bored. which it most probably going online. going online too often is actually bad, but we still do it anyway. so ya, we shouldnt. (as if anyone is going to listen to me like that) i think that's all for now. study physics! (RIGHT.)
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
monday - english comprehension assignment -chinese o level listening -chemistry practical tuesday - social studies test wednesday -A maths RT thursday - music test friday - speech day woah..not tiring what. after writing them down, i cant believe that i've actually already went through half of the week. tomorrow's like racial harmony day, so we're supposed to wear ethnic costumes? but this year, it's like the ONLY year that we can DONT wear ethnic costumes. so obviously, i would wear my cca skirt and house tee shirt ((: anyway, today's a maths test was soooooooo hard please! couldnt do half the questions. and then i finished with like ten minutes to spare, THINKING i had done all the question. CHECKED ALREADY, and then times up, FORGOT to finish the last question. how smart la stupid a maths. i cant wait for friday!! cos it's the last day of the week. i absolutely hate sundays. cos the next day is monday and monday means common test and SCHOOL. it's getting rather tiring you know. no wonder SOME teachers left for NEW YORK! (for school purposes of course) i want a holiday too!! i also have no idea why am i blogging, or why did i even bother to change my blogskin. i guess i was like super bored of it, and i'm super bored now? but shouldnt i be studying? haha..dont care la. study tomorrow... that's what we always say ((:
Thursday, July 13, 2006
what a day today has been. it started of with one the luckiest mornings i ever had and ended with one of the worst days of my life! i had o level chinese oral..and i totally didnt understand what the teacher was asking me!! so i had to like ask her what does it mean and she was like rather irritated. that's like so not a good sign after all. so then i went for music, and we had this SUPRISE music test which was counted okay. scared the shock out of me la. and tomorrow i have to like meet ms chang cos she wants to see me, and i have to clear this ULTRA HUGE MISUNDERSTANDING! lastly, it was announced today that there was no band tomorrow. the one thing which makes me look forward to EVERY week was cancelled. it is so not a good day at all la! gosh! i cant stand it. bye.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
today's band was like the BEST ever ((: we had an exchange programme with hale st mary's concert band and the people there were like rather friendly. it was like really exciting and i really enjoyed myself anyway, chinese Os are like just round the corner? starting THIS THURSDAY. and i'm like super super scared for no real reason. anyway, i think i like better go study now cos it's like term three already.. so ya, that's it then, i know it's rather short. short and sweet what ((: p.s taylor is sooo HOT((: in the band room he was like, could i borrow your tuner? so i said okay. but the trumpet sticker behind the tuner was like he said the sticker's coming out, i shall help you put it back. so he tries to stick it back but couldnt, so he said again the sticker cant be stuck back. so i was like okay, he used the tuner and then returned it to me saying thanks. AND then afterwards, when lynn and i tried to go out, he was like blocking our then he was like sorry LADIES, and gave this SUPER CUTE smile..haha and then when he realised that he saw me yesterday, he was like hello girl! (?) haha..not bad what. btw, JOYCE TEO, i know alexis is good looking, but taylor is too!! haha.. they BOTH are ((: and i know i am so going to laugh at myself when i read this post again (:
Monday, July 10, 2006
zinedine-zidane with wc trophy
![]() zinedine-zidane with wc trophy Originally uploaded by amelia_cheah. if only this could happen for FIFA world cup 2006..
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
![]() FIFA WORLD CUP 2006 GERMANY- ENGLAND BECKHAM QUITS Originally uploaded by amelia_cheah. i am like so so depressed. ENGLAND LOST. to portugal 3-1 in the penalties. HOW COULD THEY?? beckham is also like going to end his team captaincy and sven eriksson is not going to coach england anymore )): it's like so depressing. someone cheer me up please? HAHA ANYWAY, i just realised that my blog is as dead as any blog could be. even the last tag was like on the 25th during the holidays and now is already like the second week of term 3? time is like passing super fast and before i know it, it's going to be chinese o level orals. 13th JULY. i'm SO NOT looking forward to it. OMG. i just realised something. i have stupid chinese tuition in like TEN minutes and i havent even done my homework yet!! gosh. i think i like better go do ya, i shall blog next time. p.s THIS SUNDAY 9th JULY: SINGAPORE BOTANICAL GARDENS PERFORMANCE by ST MARGARET'S SECONDARY. 5pm. FREE ADMISSION. PLEASE GO. thanks ((: |