Sunday, November 27, 2005
people in my life! huiling what can i say about you? you are sweet, smart and cute? NO NO NO!! WRONG WORDS!!haha..anyway thanks for being by me whenever i needed you..(did i ever need you before?) haha..kidding and for going home with me and for getting so irritated at teaching me maths questions haha..i dont know whether we'll go to the same class next year, but i am hoping and praying! really glad to have known you and ya, thanks for everything! i'll still be able to see you in band though!! LOVING YOU STILL!! melodie thanks for trusting in me and everything.. you've really been a great pal..failing chinese with me and everything..haha i know that we will not be in the same class as each other next year, but there is still higher chinese!! thanks for teaching me science too and for helping me whenever i needed help.. very very grateful to have you as my friend and i hope that we can be as close even though we are in different classes..haha LOVE YOU LOTS! zinnia hello!! my felllow harry potter fan! so harry's coming to see me after he's killed voldemort,eh? haha..thanks for making the class super lively and cheering all of us up when we are down. even though we would not be in the same class next year, the poo poo family will always be ONE happy family! and thanks for being my dear dear wife! haha..remember the chalet? LOVING YOU ALWAYS! RACHELKOHSHIYI! RETARDED but COOL sl!! will never ever forget you after you leave the section..really. you have really made the section alive and i dont think it will ever be the same without you.. thank you for all the things you have done for the section!! i'll still see you around in school..i think.. LOVING AND MISSING YOU FOREVER!! shahira,elizabeth,sheryl hello retarded fellow juniors from the retarded section! haha..thanks for making band much more fun and interesting.. cornet section shall rule! okay..i'm crapping..but ya without you guys, cornet section would sound terrible(you know what i mean) haha.. syf 2007..make sure to do well and bring back the gold! the section is dependant on you! LOVE YOU GUYS! xunqi,belinda,huihui thanks for being my closest friends outside the poo poo family! 2e3 would not be the same without you! 2e3 rocks! i dont know if we will all be in the same class next year..but i'm hoping! you guys really make our class ALIVE! LOVE YOU GUYS ALWAYS!! my OBSESSION!! thanks for every thing that you have done for me.. giving me advice and help solve my problems i dont know what i'll do without you..haha thanks also for hearing me out when i needed someone to talk to and being someone that i could confide in i dont know if we will meet again next year,but i really hope so I LOVE YOU!! *people who dont know who my obsession is, please dont guess, and it is not a boy! people who know, SHUTUP! everyone else out there even i didnt mention your names, thanks for playing a part in my life! LOVE YOU ALL!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
we were like playing christmas songs then i took sheryl's wallet..haha then i thought elizabeth was gonna scold me cos she realized.. then she passed down the row..haha sheryl got so fed up.. she took my wallet.. then elizabeth took my skittles and passed it down she said that it was either the skittles or the wallet so i said the skittles..haha then elizabeth said take this(passes me the skittles) and this (passes me shahira's wallet) then shahira and sheryl were holding each other's wallet.. and they wanted a mutual exchange sheryl, the nice girl returned shahira her wallet.. shahira the naughty girl kept sheryl's wallet.. haha then we had sectionals..elizabeth was so darn funny when she conducted made us laugh like siao i almost cried..HAHA then we packed up and went home and now i dont know whether should i go out with the poo poo family on monday.. anyone ever cares..
Monday, November 21, 2005
hello...many people have been asking me to update..
so here I am..updating friday went for band.. had tuition with mrs desouza for the last time..BOO HOO then we played folk song suite when we went back to the band room... ran through phantom of the opera..nothing much..went home spent the entire night discussing about what time to meet with zinnia choo to watch harry potter and the goblet of fire.. saturday met zinnia at 1030..wrong timing cos by the time we got to cine, the harry potter show had already started at 1015.. so we went in late..haha.. so we watched the show.. IT WAS SO DAMN NICE!!!I WANNA WATCH IT AGAIN!!! it was really really really really very very very NICE i think it rocks!!okay then, we went to eat and then we started shopping things that I bought -cuff..zinnia also bought a cuff (same design, different colour)-$16 -pink sleeveless top from flesh imp-$32.90 -sling bag from ink(dunno how to spell)-$29.90 -earrings-$3.90 zinnia kept on saying that I bought so many things..but it is only four!! and the grand total of the amount of money I spent was like.... $94.60..haha i got a shock of my life! but nevermind..heck sunday spent the whole day reading my harry potter and the half blood prince AGAIN for the 7th time..HAHA as well as counting down the hours left before the making of harry potter and the chamber of secrets which was at 7:30 pm and then the TV PREMIERE of harry potter and the chamber of secrets the show was super duper nice okay even thought the newspaper said that it was the worst, it was still nice..not as nice as harry potter and the goblet of fire, but still NICE then watched football..Singapore vs Vietnam..fell asleep halfway... but the news said Singapore lost to Vietnam 1-2..BOO HOO!!! monday currently stoning..cant connect to the internet, writing this post on Microsoft word.. still counting down the number of hours until harry potter and the chamber of secrets(part two) cant wait..haha tomorrow got band..Sheryl better come or I am sooo dead..haha okay..wanna play my computer game liao..byebye!! -does anyone of you play goonzu?
Monday, November 14, 2005
at the goldsmith shop..
my mom: do you pierce ears? woman: yes my mom: how much? woman : $ you want to pierce or not my mom: ok woman: (faces me) choose your colour.. me: got blue or not? woman: no stock me: got any other colour besides PINK? woman: yes..silver and gold me: (whispers to mommy) obiang so now i am stuck with PINK earrings!!!! I HATE PINK!! WHY DOES MY LIFE REVOLVE AROUND PINK? nevermind..haha cant wait for band tomorrow.. can play christmas song!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
today was like a super super super boring day..
stayed at home the whole day did nothing useful except practice my cornet.. now i can play the phantom of the opera solo and the sound of music solo without mistakes.. so proud of myself!! then i did something very very interesting.. I WATCHED THE MAKINGS OF HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE!!!! it was like super cool.. all the effects.. how they built the setting and the monsters show how they can actually play qudditch [sport where people play soccer except that they are flying on brooms] interviews with daniel radcliffe[harry], emma watson[hermione],rupert grint[ron],ralph fiennes [LORD VOLDEMORT], katie leung[cho chang], stanislav ianevski[viktor krum] and many many more.. it was soo cool.. too bad it only lasted for half an hour.. the most interesting half an hour of the day.. haha i think i am going to pierce my ear on monday.. i really dunno how i would look like.. dont dare to pierce.. i dunno la..see first.. CANT WAIT FOR BAND!!! and.. 20th - 21st nov..HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS ON CHANNEL 5 - 7:45 PM!!! be sure to watch it!!!
Friday, November 11, 2005
to practise.. haha..i think i am just so hardworking ok..shant praise myself later SOME people say i self praise no praise international disgrace haha so now i am washing my instrument.. see? i am really very very hardworking..haha lalala...very happy today ok la..shant talk anymore.. go clean my instrument... LOVE YOU GUYS LOTS!!! -contented [today got ice cream cake from happy!!]
Thursday, November 10, 2005 today we had band..AGAIN
and me and sheryl did a very very nice thing WE HELPED HEW MUN.. with her rhythms it was like torturing her..making her play but now then we realised that she got many many rhythms wrong and dont know how to play alot of things so we helped her..taught her rhythms and stuff RACHEL KOH?ARE YOU LOOKING AT THIS ARENT YOU JUST SO PROUD OF US???!!! ya..she got kinda frustrated with us but we didnt care and make her play somemore.. hahas..this is NOT called mean.. it was for her own good.. haha..then mr tan came in we played phantom of the opera.. me and sheryl played the solo together.. mr tan said it was very GOOD okay.. he said he could hear every note clearly and loudly so it was GOOD okay but sheryl didnt really play..she admitted it after the whole thing..haha ya..then we played folk song suite quite hard to ended up rather boring but band was kinda fun today..hahas.. but no sec one I MISS JOANNE,LYNN and SHERMINE hahas..see you people tomorrow i wanna go watch tv..
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
i dont feel lke blogging today... but first i shall blog about yesterday!! super super bored yesterday morning.. then went for band in band it was like super scary.. mr tan was like super super angry.. then he let us of for break and after break.. he somehow was in a very good mood and cracked alot of lame jokes hahas he kept on calling come sections slow.. he didnt make fun of our section though hahas..obviously..we cornetists are very very fast not slow at all.. so we did some sightreading and played legends and heros the legends and heros had three sections and you know what were the names of the sections? what peter thing( i cant remember), sweet betsy( mr tan kept on saying stacey) and some david thing.. didnt even sound like legends and heros..thought it would some macho macho kind of song.. hahas then after band sheryl and joanne and i went to coro to eat.. actually sheryl wanted to buy something- **** *** shant say it here..but we'll see it tomorrow.. hahas then we went to join shahira and fifi at golden rooster for dinner.. then we went home. a very very typical and not so interesting day anyway, cant wait for tomorrow cos i shall be able to see melodie mark!! mel, you should feel honored..hahas love you guys lots.. and love my obsession! (still..)
Saturday, November 05, 2005
I JUST CAME BACK FROM THE CHALET!!! here i am now just came home from band after going directly from the chalet to school.. the chalet was like suuuuuuuppppeeerrrrrr fun lor first we went earlier.. for what i also dunno..then we all became super bored then mel decided to go wild wild wet so mel tammie zinnia and i went to wild wild wet huiling didn't go cos her parents dun allow.. so sad wild wild wet was actually kinda pathetic.. so few rides..we went on the U-BEND and ULA-LAR (i dunno how its spelt) the u-bend was freakin felt as though you were like going to be thrown off the float yar..then afterthat we went back to the chalet to meet the others. when i went to collect my things from the locker at wild wild wet, i had three messages and 10 missed calls..hahas. it was miss lum, belinda, xunqi and my mom.. i think that they,especially xunqi, were super frustrated with me cos i never pick up my phone.. then at the chalet, we got ready the barbercue and stuff nothing much to say about the barbercue..i hardly even eat anything while everyone was busy eating, we went to buy the birthday cake for miss lum and a token of appreciation for miss soh.. we tricked miss lum saying that we went to buy ice..but we actually went to buy her birthday cake..hahas we sort of also planned a "small birthday party" where we were supposed to bring the class and her to a secluded place where we would give her a surprise..many things happened along the way which made mel and the rest super pissed off and ya.. i shant mention it here so we sang happy birthday to miss lum when we finally arrived at the place.. so we all went back to the chalet again and we bathed and everyone started playin cards mel and zinnia and tammie and naomi and louisa and teng teng wanted to bowl so they went to bowl huiling and i decided not to cos we had school the next day so we sat outside and talked then miss lum came to join us.. after awhile, hui hui and xunqi also joined us we talked alot-and somehow me and my obsession came into the picture and yah..miss lum found out who my obsession was in the end..i think..hahas.. then mel and mr chan also came into the funny but everything is back to normal its okay- until 2 plus in the morning, until the bowling "gang" came back so that they would not be locked out of the chalet then i was super tired and everyone told me to sleep first huiling and i reserved the bed first so we slept there we made a big fuss about who is going to sleep beside miss lum..hahas then finally we arrived at a "conclusion" miss lum was supposed to sleep at the side where the wall was, huiling in the middle, and i at the side it was not an exactly comfortable night's sleep cos huiling kept on almost pushing me down onto the floor..hahas then we got up in the morning, bathed, changed, made breakfast for the class who had already started playin cards, and then we left the chalet with miss lum we took a shuttle bus, went to macdonalds', took a train to kallang andthen a took a taxi to school.. there, we bade miss lum goodbye.. i am like so gonna miss her lor.. i hope that she would teach me next year..hahas then i went for band.. we did band techniques for a really long time and then we played the sound of music here, i made a big fool of myself there was a solo which i was supposed to play then i played, but i breathed too frequent so mr tan stopped me and said i got deprived childhood or something..hahas then i turned super red..that's what everyone told me..but i didnt feel embarrassed or shy or anything..i just wanted to sleep..dunno how i turned so red then we tried again..i played this time without breathing too often and then mr tan told me to play louder.. i was like sooo super scared that suddenly, instead of playing louder, no sound came out at all.. i like made such a big fool of myself but if i am still playing 1st trumpet for the sound of music, i promise that i would bring my instrument back to practice really really hard..i promise. i wish that rachel would not have to re-assign our parts.. i love what i am playing right now and i already practiced so hard i dunno what i would do if i had to change parts..heh i am going to sleep right now slept so little last night.. so, goodnight everyone! and sweet dreams!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
today we had band.. it was kinda fun cos it was the day when i said i shant be mean to YOU-KNOW WHO yah..and i wasnt that mean i ask her whether she wanted to go far east then she thought i was playin a fool but yar..i guess it was kinda nice to ask someone that.. heh we played phantom of the opera.. it was really fun.. but many mistakes too then we played light calvary.. tan was depending on us for the opening we gave quite a good one too.. then we went home i waited for huiling cos she had section meeting then i met rachel koh and she said that i was gonna play second i practiced so hard for the sound of music and she come and tell me i playing second so mean one but i shant complain there shant be and rivalry between each section hahas then on our way home when we were about to leave school you know who i met? i met miss lum!!! this is just called fate pure fate...... hahas..yah so we talked about the chalet i cant wait for the chalet!!! yah i got to go pack my bag liao bye bye!!!
2e3 '05 rocks
![]() 2e3 '05 rocks Originally uploaded by amelia_cheah. this was taken outside our classroom remembrance of 2e3 '05
![]() 2E3 Originally uploaded by amelia_cheah. 2e3 '05 class photo..changi airport..hahas many people were lookin at us
motorola ad
![]() motorola ad Originally uploaded by amelia_cheah. tried to copy the motorola ad..hahas.. still at changi airport
miss lum mrs khoo and us
![]() miss lum mrs khoo and us Originally uploaded by amelia_cheah. took this with MISS LUM..hahas i am soooo happy..heh
![]() POO POO FAMILY PHOTO Originally uploaded by amelia_cheah. mrs khoo took this photo for us..she kept on complaining about the extra people behind us..lolx
stamford rafffles
![]() stamford rafffles Originally uploaded by amelia_cheah. hahas..we took this at changi airport
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
hey people.. today me huiling and zinnia went to imm to buy the stuff for the chalet bbq we spent like $119..lolx cos two stupid people decides to just dump whatever they like in to the basket hahas.. people were like staring at us cos our basket was the fullest when we went to the counter we were so freakin scared that we had not enough money to pay up..heh then zinnia and huiling got crazy over some handphone keychain thing and zinnia went around asking for change for one dollar coin so that she could buy the keychain then huiling and her parents went home..left me and zinnia so we took this shuttle bus from imm and we didnt know where we were going ended up at jurong mrt station so we took a train there and then went home.. it was like kinda boring..but hahas interesting in a way..heh so contradicting anyway... cant wait for tomorrow cos got band and then after 2e3 chalet cant wait to go for chalet..heh oh yah..big news.. MISS LUM GOING BACK TO SCHOOL WIF HUILING AND ME..HAHAS!!! -love ya lots!!! FLASHBACK 2E3 '05 3RD JAN; MONDAY -first day of sec two life..went to school and check the board. realised that joyce wa not in the same class as us. then huiling wanted to wait for melodie. THAT was one thing that changed our sec two life- we all became bonded. so we went up to 2e3 classroom and made so much noise cos it was painted in green polka dots..hahas.then we went to the hall and blah blah blah then they announced each classes' form teacher and tutor. and YOU KNOW WHAT??? miss lum became 2e3's form teacher.. our whole class (only those who were from1e3 and 1e4 '04) screamed like siao.. miss lum you know!!! i like couldnt believe it cos last year she was delivering her final speech and said that is was very unlikely that she would teach sec2 but then she became our form teacher and english teacher!!! i was super happy lor!!ok.. yah then sec 2 life officially started... 7TH JAN; FRIDAY -cca fair..melodie mark wanted to join band..went for tryouts then decided dun wanna join band.. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS MEL???sorry!!! abit ji dong lar..had to get it of my chest..heh JAN-FEB( i cant remember when) -bond free mel and hl were the cool.we practiced so hard and in the end got 3rd..hah 1ST FEB;TUESDAY -school health visit..nothing much..heh 8TH FEB;TUESDAY -chinese new year celebrations..cant really remember what happened.. only can remember mr chan doing some sword fighting thing...made SOMEONE really jealous cos this SOMEONE decides to sit at the back..heh 11TH MARCH;FRIDAY -learning journey..went to chijmes, and many places like churches also... supposed to be tracing back janet lim's life..took many pictures..yah..kinda fun 12TH MARCH; SATURDAY -MELODIE MARK'S BIRTHDAY!!! 16TH-18TH MARCH -DOTS COMMAND was like super fun but it will take too long to say everything here.. but this camp really bonded our whole class and SUPER DOTTED CHICKENS was like the top three groups..oh yah..and miss lum was camp cheif and so she gave a campfire speech and someone asked to give her a sexy clap( you all should know who la) and yah..hahas 9TH APRIL; SAT -anne of green gables..nothing much 15TH APRIL;FRI - school cross country..nothing much either..went to mac ritchie reservoir with xunqi.. 10TH MAY;TUE -start of mid year exams.. mugging.. 16TH MAY;MON -marking day. mel me and huiling went out..kinda fun..we went to watch coach carter..took alot of neoprints..haha 17TH MAY;TUE -amazing race and class photo..i got miss lum's photo..yay!! JUNE HOLIDAY -nothing much..heh 28TH JUN;TUE -HUILING'S BIRTHDAY!!! 1ST AUG;MON -that week was a very depressing week for mel so i shan't comment out it 4TH AUG; THU - we went to new town for this geog was a new experience for us..first time we represented st margs in a competition..we were all very scared then when it was out turn to present the fountain chose to leak an we wet the entire new town library..we left our mark there..heh..then i told miss lum about it and the part where i told her that wew did not win any award unlike the other groups, she encouraged us and told us not to feel so sad.. see? she she is a very nice teacher..hahas 5TH AUG;FRI -cluster arts..also nothing much..just a significant event..heh 8TH AUG;MON -national day celebrations..the teachers did this kind of dance the one taufik and rui en do that was like kinda funny..everyone could not stop laughing..hahas.. it was super cool..then mel huiling zinnia me and joyce went out..we met zinnia at cine cos she kinda pon school and then joyce left then we took many more neoprints..yah 12TH AUG;FRI -marina carnival..that was like the most fun thing that happened..we went to the marina carnival, expecting it to be boring but it was not and we went on board the rss was like the biggest boat in the navy and it was like super cool..yah..then we went for camou painting where they painted green stripes on our was "shiok" then i went for band and my conductor said i had "nice make ups".. embarrassing..but it was like the best day ever!! 31ST AUG; WED -teachers' day celebrations..watched dedications to teachers from each class then the teachers played some games..but before that we had a class party..blindfolded miss lum and led her to our classroom where we had cake for nice right? but then she left after 20 mins.. so bad.. 7TH SEP; WED -poo poo "family outing" only two thirds of the family turned out..but it was still very fun..we did our cme project first then we toook a taxi to town..ate at graffti cafe..the noodles there were kinda nice..those who haven't try ought to go try! then we spent the rest of the time taking neoprints and trying out clothes from flash imp, zara,mango,esprit and more..the clothes were like super expensive so mel and zinnia took photos of the clothes(shh..dun tell)..we also had ice scoop only which costed like $8.90 and the four of us shared it and it was like super pathetic..heh..but it was really fun actually 30TH SEP; FRI -english exam..very very important..must do very well...make miss lum proud of our class and see? i did do quite okay after all..hahas 9TH OCT;SUN -AMELIA'S BIRTHDAY 1ST-11TH OCT -everyone mugging like siao for the end of year exams..all our brains like going to burst already..heh 12TH-14TH OCT -end of year exams... so scary 17TH OCT; MON -marking day..didn't go quite boring..nothing to say.. 21ST OCT; FRI -mathemorphasis aka maths trail at changi was the most fun and the most exciting and the most interesting trip of the year 2005 for 2e3.. we went to changi airport for this trip thinking that it was going to be so boring..but it wasn't it was like so damn fun..we went from terminal one to terminal two, from terminal two to terminal one then from terminal one to termindal two to eat and buy really expensive candy and from terminal two to terminal one to report back..we took out class photo there with miss lum as well as the poo poo family portrait and the poo poo family also took a photo with miss lum and mrs khoo (*refer to previous post) was a very enjoyable day..heh 27TH OCT;THU -ZINNIA CHOO'S BIRTHDAY!!! we also received our report books and yah..i didnt do as well as i i was kinda sad..heh 28TH OCT;FRI -XUNQI'S BIRTHDAY! we had thanksgiving service and final speech from mrs khoo cos she was like going to leave us already and it was the LAST DAY WITH MY OBSESSION!!! ( refer to previous post for a more detailed recount of the last sday of school) that was like pretty much what happened through out our sec two school lofe and some of the significant events that 2e3 '05 went through here i would like to thank miss lum, 2e3 form teacher and english teacher for giving us the support and encouragement that made us want to do strive for success, miss soh, our form tutor and history teacher for everything also as well as mrs tan(science), miss tan(science),miss tan(science),mrs khoo(maths),miss pang(maths), mrs loke(history),miss needia(i dunno how it is spelt)(history), mrs shum(geog, pw),miss wang(reading),mr lim(pe),mr lim(lit),miss shen(lit) miss wee(chinese)mdm yow(d&t) mrs lo(art) miss ying(music) mr sharil(music) miss ramlah(home econs) and all the teachers who taught 2e3 '05 which i havent mentioned cos i cant remember..hahas..THANK YOU FOR IMPARTING ALL YOUR KNOWLEDGE TO US AND TOLERATING OUR QUIETNESS!!! i would hereby also like to thank each and everyone one of you in 2e3 '05 but i ain't mentioning one by one cos my hands and fingers are really tired..maybe some other time, okay? thanks everyone for such a nice year and making our sec two lives much more fn and just wouldn't be the same if just anyone of you wasn't around.. oh yah, remember 3RD NOV; THU -class chalet..2e3 '05 last class gathering for the sure to come!!! LOVE YOU GUYS LOTS!!! -amelia ( i took one hour and fifteen minutes doing this!!! appreciate it!!) *previous post! I MISS 2E3!!! I WANNA GO TO 2E3 NEXT YEAR!! I WANNA BE RETAINED!!! I DUN WANNA GO SEC 3!!! I WANT MY FORM TEACHER AGAIN!!! I WANNA GO BACK TO 2E3!!! hey.. BELINDA ONG!!! WHAT ISH THE MEANING OF THIS??? WHAT MY POST NOT NICE HUH??? HMPH! soo...yesterday was like super sad lor i was perfectly fine then when xunqi came and hugged me.. i practically cried lorx the truth finally sank in.. i was gonna leave 2e3 and so many of my friends it was like.. i totally cannot believe it lor sigh.. then we went for assembly and i was perfectly fine then during the thanksgiving powerpoint when they showed the photo of miss lum.. i started thinking of all the times that we spent wif her and the last time when i could write name: amelia cheah (01) class: 2E3 i was super sad then i wanted to cry again but then huiling poked me and i stopped thinking then we went back to class and carried tables to the hall then everyone left and left only hannah, me and miss lum we cleared the classroom then hannah left.. then miss lum and i said bye bye to each other and then we took one last look at the polka dotted classroom and i cried again obviously miss lum didn't see la.. it was so saddening okay to think that she would not teach me next year then i went for band thinking i could go play "phantom of the opera" but you know what??? my section had to sit outside and have 'tuition' with this woman who like spent one hour on three bars in the song i hate it was like wth!!! spoil my day yesterday was like the most horrible and saddening day ever sigh... just pray for the best that most of us would be in the same class will forever love my obsession #1 will forever love my obsession #2 will forever love huiling and melodie and will forever love the POOPOO FAMILY!!! WILL FOREVER LOVE 2E3 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS ROCK MY LIFE!!! -amelia :( HEH..IT'S JUST ME REMINISCING!!HAHA |